Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Been Awhile!!

8, almost 9 months have come and gone so quickly and it seems like I have no time to keep up with this thing! I thought I would be better at it by now! Ok so I'll just get right to all the statistics at the present time....Ellie is crazy these days! She crawls everywhere non-stop and is absolutely into everything. We forget that no matter what we set down she will find it. Some days she gets lost, but we usually find her in the bathroom wanting to get into the tub. I guess she loves baths :) She weighs just short of 19 lbs and almost 24 in long. She is wearing 9 month clothes and even those seem to be too short in the legs. She has a new friend, his name is Tigger. She drags him along where ever she goes. She is eating everything unless it's green, even a few bites off of Mommy and Daddy's plate. Speaking of Mommy and Daddy...she can say both now and it seems as though she really knows the differnce between the two.

Thanksgiving and Christmas were fun but super busy. We were glad to get back into the swing of things. Ellie is back with Amber and her boys again, still 4 days a week :) Thanks Amber! And she loves it there. Besides taking two really long naps when she's there she keeps them on her toes. Amber said Ellie found their puppy's wather dish the other day because she could hear her giggling and splashing in the water. Oh goodness!

Ellie can pull herself up to pretty much everything and is now letting her hands go. She has yet to take a step on her own but it will probably be in no time. I'm not ready for this to happen! I want her to be little again. She hardly wants to sit in our lap for long periods of time :(

Well, that's pretty much it for the update...just waiting for baseball season to start and counting down the days until our return to the big ol' city of CR! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Ash! She sure is a cutie. I can't believe she is saying mommy and daddy already! Your gonna have a talker on your hands! unc bill

Amber said...

Gosh you just reminded me that I have a gift certificate for a facial that I totally forgot about!!! Yes you need to update...Ellie's changing so much lately. She was being brave and trying to walk today! We just love her so much and are gonna be so sad to have her go! :(