Monday, November 10, 2008

Holiday Season!!

So the past few weeks have been full of fun and excitement! I think this is my favorite age so far!! We did some fun things...went to the pumpkin patch, went trick or treating, went on a few shopping sprees :), made some trips home to CR, visited with Great Grandparents, and tried to crawl some more! So I thought I would just list all of the new things that she's doing lately! Enjoy and see you all at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

*She is still TRYING to crawl, she gets it for the most part but she can't figure out how to move her hands and legs at the same time...see the picture for a visual :)
*She liked trick or treating for the most part, but once she got hungry it was all down hill from there!
*She now pretty much eats everything in terms of baby food! Rice, oatmeal, fruits, veggies, u name it she likes it! Plus a few graham crackers and cherrios here and there for a treat!
*She loves to talk, and scream in a high pitch voice...sometimes it's too much for Kyle and I!
*We switched to a new babysitter! Her name is Amber and she has a 3 year old and a 4 month old and she loves it there! I actually feel great about leaving her there! She has her 4 days a week, 2 full days and 2 partial days. Ellie loves her boys! (Hi Hayden, Austin, and Amber too!)
*She now hates to be in her carseat :(

That's about it for the updates....a little note on the personal side of Kyle and I....We FINALLY set a day to get married, Septmeber 19, 2009! So save the date and when we decide some more details I'll let you know!!

Love and Miss you All!!!
Ashley, Kyle and Ellie


Amber said...

Well hello to you too!! Ellie is so cute! Yay for setting a date! September is a great month for getting married! I know counting us 4 people who all got married that month and we're all going strong! Austin hates his seat too:(
Playdate soon with you there too sounds like a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Ellie is so beautiful and we have enjoyed watching her grow and seeing all the pictures! I know her and Easton will grow up to be best buds :)

Can't wait to see you all at Christmas-time. Love, Bob, Alicia and family