Wednesday, August 20, 2008

15 Weeks!

It seems like the time is just flying by....she's almost 4 months old!! This past week we took a few trips to the aquatic center to stay cool. Ellie wasn't sure what to think of it at first but after awhile she started kicking her feet! We made a quick trip to Castle Rock on sunday to go to Jeanette's birthday party and she got to visit with everyone. This weekend my mom and dad are coming to visit us in Corvallis and we are taking a trip to the coast. It should be a lot of fun.

Ellie had her first play date yesterday with a little girl named Finley. She is the daughter of the girl who is going to babysit Ellie. They actually had a lot of fun together. Ellie kept smiling and cooing at her and then they decided to share some toys.

I'm going to start her on rice cereal so I can try to get her to sleep through the night. She still wakes up hungry twice a night even if I feed her a lot of formula before she goes to sleep. I mashed up a banana yesterday and gave her a little bit and she kinda liked it, but she really didn't know what to think.

She weighs about 12lbs now and her legs are starting to fill out a little. We also started giving her a bath in the bathtub because she is too long for the sink. She absolutely loves taking a bath because she kicks her legs and makes her hands splash the water! It's so cute! The last thing that she has been doing this week is trying to sit herself up if she is laying back a little. Before long she's going to be sitting up all by herself!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Isn't the aquatic center so cool? Hayden was in love with it! He played for like 3-4 hrs straight. I can't believe she's already almost 4 months old! Time has flown by. That's what seems to happen once you have kids though. I love the pic of her with the flower headband, she's so cute!